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Embark on a thrilling journey through Web3 with GoPlus, providing personalized security to shield your assets from exposure to risk.

Equipment Repository
Goplus;GoPlus;goPlus;web3 user Security;用户安全

Ready to claim $GPS Airdrop?

Connect your wallet

Connect your wallet to check your eligibility

Claim your allocation

Claim your $GPS if you are eligible
Connect Wallet to Claim Airdrop
Security Level--

Risk scan in progress...

Scanning the ETH network

Fetching on-chain data in progress, expected to be completed in about 1 minute...00 : 00

Asset Risks

Do you hold any high-risk tokens?
Do you own any high-risk NFTs?
Have you recently received any malicious transfers?
Have the tokens you hold experienced a significant price decline?

Interaction Risks

Have there recently been any suspicious transactions at unusual times?
Are the addresses used in recent transactions secure?
Have you recently had any large fund transfers?
Have you recently had any abnormal gas fees?
Do you have any high-risk token approvals?
Have you encountered any incidents of NFT theft?
Have you had any interactions with phishing websites or contracts?

Potential Risks

Has your address been exposed on social media?
Are the stablecoins you hold secure?
Stake GPS to earn high rewards.
APR of up to -- !

GoPlus AI Bot

Hi, I'm Cubey, your Web3 security guardian.

Feel free to ask me about any Web3 security issues you encounter!


Security Hub

End-to-End On-Chain Security Services

Pre-Transaction Risk DetectionRecover Stolen Assets

GoPlus SecNet

Automatically Block Risky Transactions to Avoid Asset Losses

Users Enabled

Monitored On-Chain Transactions

Intercepted Risky Transactions

Enabled On-chain Firewall

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